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Look Up and Look Around You

  I was watching a YouTube video by a young content creator from Chicago who recently spent time in New York, with other creatives. It was a great experience for him. There were organized workshops and events, and time spent with other creative minds.  He loved it. It is the kind of experience that many of us dream about. New York is an amazing city. So is Chicago, So is Yourtown.  Over the past few months I have started to get involved with the local creative community here in my neighborhood.  Now granted the average age where I live is waiting for death, but there are some amazingly creative people.  People who inspire one another, people who are more than willing to share with one another.  When I dream of taking my camera and spending a week learning in New York, or London, I have to remind myself, that I can do the same thing here in my backyard. All I need to do is look up. I had photographed the colorful displays in the pedestrian ways at City Cent...

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