Print It!

I blogger I read daily has been sorting through the little cabinet under the stairs, looking a albums and packets of photos from 20-30-40 years ago. He is finding long lost gems, and photos that bring back forgotten memories 

Photos record the history of our lives. Prints create an archive that documents that history. My digital archive is approaching 100,000 images, far to many for me to browse through.  For many the archive is their phone, or the phone and cloud.  Phones last maybe four or five years, the cloud we really don't know how long that archive is stable for.  We think forever, but the people who created classroom filmstrips believed the same thing, that we would always be able to view their work. 

The thing that endures is prints.  I have prints that are over 100 years old, photos of my father that were taken 90 years ago.  

If we want to save our photos, we need to get them in print. 


  1. We have the task of going through 100+ Kodak carousels of slides Father started taking photos back in the 60s. What to do with the slides we keep? Thought was to digitalize them. Your point to print them is well taken.

    1. And either share the prints or the digital files


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