Changing The Record Of History

 Recorded history of mankind, stretches back a few thousand years to cave drawings, and developed in pottery and sculpture that has survived for 3-4,000 years.  Drawings and paintings survive back 2,000 years or a little over if we include mosaics and frescoes.  Our understanding of what George Washington looked like 240 years ago, is based on sculpture, and paintings.  

For less than 200 years we have been capturing photographs, for the first 75 years of that, photography was cumbersome, so really only about 125 years has photography been available to the masses.  And it has changed how we record daily life and history.  History will know exactly how Joe Biden looked, not an artist's impression, but a factual recording.  

Assuming that photographs maintain archival quality, how will this change the record of mankind?  


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