Sometimes it is all About the Toys

Sometimes it is all about the gear, there are some images that can't be created without specialized tools.  I have lusted over fish-eye lenses since first seeing the exotic images in the late 60's early 70's from lenses with a field of view wider than the human eye. This is not something I will use often, I promise not to fill this blog with a fish eye perspective on the world (that would make an interesting extra blog.) There are times, for the right scene, for a sweeping landscape or architectural shot when this will capture an image that nothing else in my tool bag will.  It also focusses down to a few inches, with remarkable depth of field.  

Ultimately, it answers the question, what do you get the photographer who has everything he needs, get him something he lusts over. 
I have no idea what inspired Nikon to make a fish eye in the DX series, but I am delighted that they did.  The lens is out of production, this one was bought gently used from in Atlanta.  This is not a sponsored post (though I would love it if it was.) I have bought three used lenses from KEH in the past year, and all were as described or better, and the shipping was prompt.  


  1. Dear me this wasn't the toys I was hoping for. Urspo

    1. The only time I have ever had blogger flag a post, the title was "adult toys"


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