Photography Questions 1.0

Nikon D5500 with 10-20mm Nikon DX

ISO 3200 10mm EV0 F/4.5 1/10th Second 

August 21, 2021 

Guggenheim Museum, New York, New York 

A friend of mine posted on his blog that he had stumbled across a box full of photos from years ago, and commented that no one seemed to keep boxes of photos anymore.  

I posted the following comment:

I photograph, primarily with a camera, not my phone, but a seperate camera.  I have tens of thousands of photos on my computer. I have started printing images that I like, saving and sharing them.  

Do people who shoot mostly on phones, back up the images on a computer? 

Do you print any of them? 

Do those who shoot on cameras, print any? 

I just printed the image above. 


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